Tuesday, October 15, 2013

2014 Insurance

How does your health insurance plan look for 2014?  Ours goes up $104 in annual premiums, up $2,795 in Rx co-pays, and up $1,000 in out of pocket dental and other miscellaneous health expenses. And we haven't even examined all the details of the policy to see what other changes we can expect.  So, we need to look at the other plans that are offered and boy, that is one complicated mess to sort out.  Each brochure runs between 100 and 156 pages long, and then you need to cross-check with the separate Rx Formulary and the Provider Directory.  "Preferred Providers," "Participating Providers," "Non-Particpating Providers."  Requirements to advise the insurance company within 48 hours of emergency hospitalization or they won't cover it.  And no, these are not the ACA health insurance exchanges, but the regular Fed Govt. plans.  I am only half-joking when I say that you really need your lawyer, your personal physician, and your accountant to properly advise as to what plan will work in your personal situation.  I have no idea how the people buying insurance over the internet can have enough information to choose a policy. 

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