Sunday, February 9, 2014

AOL - Tim Armstrong

An old friend posted an angry response to AOL CEO Tim Armstrong's recent kerfuffle regarding his mentioning the high health care cost of "distressed babies" born within the past year.  She suffered through  a loss of a preemie 10 years ago, so it hit home for her.

She linked to an article on which was written by the mother of one of the babies in question.  And in that article the woman really seems to take after CEO Armstrong.  That cannot put her husband who works at AOL in a comfortable position.   She's made it a battle between her family and Tim Armstrong.  And AOL now owns Huffington Post, so Slate is kind of a competitor.

In truth, shouldn't the mom be eternally grateful for the $1 Million in benefits that were paid to help her beloved child survive and eventually thrive? Instead, she's mad at Armstrong for mentioning that the company had high health expenses and now has to deal with the consequences.

What will happen when ObamaCare is fully implemented and the IPAB decides that it is not cost-worthy to invest the money into this pre-term baby's health?  Because that day is coming.  Unless America acts to change the law soon.

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