Thursday, February 27, 2014

NOT a Profile in Courage

Governor Jan Brewer vetoes the Religious freedom act in Arizona yesterday.  It was the easier choice for her.  John F. Kennedy wrote a book, "Profiles in Courage" which included examples of politicians voting to do the right thing despite it not being the popular vote.  Gov. Brewer had the mainstream Republicans, big businesses, and the popular media all pushing her to veto.  So, Brewer took their side instead of standing up for a merchant who will be asked to cater a gay wedding in opposition to their long-held religious beliefs.  So what if that caterer is sued into bankruptcy?  It's just one business versus the dictates of American Airlines or Apple Computer.

Of course that is why it would have taken a politician of courage to stand up for the one versus the many.  Gov. Brewer failed that test.

Here's an op-ed by Tammy Bruce that agrees with me:

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