Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Senator Specter Defects
Another Prime Time Press Conference
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Washington Post published my letter today!
Dear Editor:
Today's Ruth Marcus column on Sarah Palin was predictable. The "Ah-ha -- she just said that she thought about the CHOICE of abortion!" argument. We all have choices every day, We can choose to obey the traffic laws or not. We can choose to be civil and polite to others or not. People choose to do illegal drugs. People choose to have affairs. Some of these things are illegal. Some are perhaps immoral. It doesn't take away the choices we have.
The sad thing about this column and others like it that will inevitably come out is that the authors are so timid that they cannot even dare to be so bold as to "know when life begins." That is such a biological fallacy. Certainly elementary biology teaches us that when sperm meets egg and cell division begins that life has begun. Whether that life has any value is the moral and legislative question. But certainly the biological question is answered. The pro-choice movement deceives itself when it tries to pretend that there is no life in the objects it wishes to have the right to choose to abort.
It would have been refreshing if, instead of writing another "bash Sarah" column, Ms. Marcus could have considered the work of Kansas late-term abortionist George Tiller and his enthusiastic support for our next Secretary of Health and Human Services, Kathleen Sebelius. Why was he giving her so much campaign money over the last ten years? What does it say about her that she is so supportive of the pro-choice movement that she cannot even draw a line in the sand that says life has begun by 28 - 36 weeks after conception?
John B. Ramsey