“More than 41,000 new coronavirus cases were recorded nationwide Monday, according to data from Johns Hopkins University. That was an increase from Sunday, but lower than Friday’s record of 45,255. World-wide, confirmed Covid-19 infections exceeded 10.3 million, with more than 505,000 deaths. The U.S. accounts for about a quarter of each figure.”
FLASHBACK: 3/13/20. “California predicts 25,500,000 cases by 5/7/20.”
Tuesday, June 30, 2020
Masks "interfere with many physiological and psychological aspects of task performance"
University of Maryland, Dept. of Bioengineering, Dr. Arthur Johnson
Impact of masks on human physiology.
“Respiratory protective masks are used whenever it is too costly or impractical to remove airborne contamination from the atmosphere. Respirators are used in a wide range of occupations, form the military to medicine. Respirators have been found to interfere with many physiological and psychological aspects of task performance at levels from resting to maximum exertion. Many of these limitations have been investigated in order to determine quantitatively how much performance decrement can be expected from different levels of respirator properties. The entire system, including respirator and wearer interactions, must be considered when evaluating wearer performances. This information can help respirator designers to determine trade-offs or managers to plan to compensate for reduced productivity of wearers. “Source
Impact of masks on human physiology.
“Respiratory protective masks are used whenever it is too costly or impractical to remove airborne contamination from the atmosphere. Respirators are used in a wide range of occupations, form the military to medicine. Respirators have been found to interfere with many physiological and psychological aspects of task performance at levels from resting to maximum exertion. Many of these limitations have been investigated in order to determine quantitatively how much performance decrement can be expected from different levels of respirator properties. The entire system, including respirator and wearer interactions, must be considered when evaluating wearer performances. This information can help respirator designers to determine trade-offs or managers to plan to compensate for reduced productivity of wearers. “Source
Sunday, June 28, 2020
Mask risks "delivers less oxygen"
Akshita Nagpal
Dec 04, 2017 · 08:04 pm
A person wearing any kind of mask faces breathing resistance as air filters through the device, making the wearer work harder to inhale than he would without the mask. This can have several adverse physiological effects when the mask is worn for long periods of time. Moreover, carbon dioxide that is exhaled can get trapped in the chamber of the mask the re-enter the body each time the mask user inhales. This delivers less oxygen into the body than when the person is not wearing a mask.
Dec 04, 2017 · 08:04 pm
A person wearing any kind of mask faces breathing resistance as air filters through the device, making the wearer work harder to inhale than he would without the mask. This can have several adverse physiological effects when the mask is worn for long periods of time. Moreover, carbon dioxide that is exhaled can get trapped in the chamber of the mask the re-enter the body each time the mask user inhales. This delivers less oxygen into the body than when the person is not wearing a mask.
Saturday, June 27, 2020
Mask: No Good Choices
I wear a mask where required but am sensitive to anyone who is uncomfortable with their long term use. Please read on:
Jesse Jackson, a pro-life Democrat (in 1977)
Jesse Jackson, 1977:
"Politicians argue for abortion largely because they do not want to spend the necessary money to feed, clothe and educate more people. Here arguments for in-convenience and economic savings take precedence over arguments for human value and human life. I read recently where a politician from New York was justifying abortion because they had prevented 10,000 welfare babies from being born and saved the state $15 million. In my mind serious moral questions arise when politicians are willing to pay welfare mothers between $300 to $1000 to have an abortion, but will not pay $30 for a hot school lunch program to the already born children of these same mothers."
Life is public and universal
"There are those who argue that the right to privacy is of higher order than the right to life. I do not share that view. I believe that life is not private, but rather it is public and universal. If one accepts the position that life is private, and therefore you have the right to do with it as you please, one must also accept the conclusion of that logic. That was the premise of slavery. You could not protest the existence or treatment of slaves on the plantation because that was private and therefore outside of your right to concerned.""Politicians argue for abortion largely because they do not want to spend the necessary money to feed, clothe and educate more people. Here arguments for in-convenience and economic savings take precedence over arguments for human value and human life. I read recently where a politician from New York was justifying abortion because they had prevented 10,000 welfare babies from being born and saved the state $15 million. In my mind serious moral questions arise when politicians are willing to pay welfare mothers between $300 to $1000 to have an abortion, but will not pay $30 for a hot school lunch program to the already born children of these same mothers."
Friday, June 26, 2020
If we live long enough, we all will face two choices.
Choice One: Get COVID-19 and stay truly quarantined for 14 days or until given medical clearance.
Choice Two: Receive a coronavirus vaccine as soon one is approved.
Am I wrong?
Choice One: Get COVID-19 and stay truly quarantined for 14 days or until given medical clearance.
Choice Two: Receive a coronavirus vaccine as soon one is approved.
Am I wrong?
Public health officials look at a variety of metrics, including
new cases, percent positive test results, hospitalizations and
deaths to gauge the level of spread in an area. Covid-19 deaths haven’t
yet seen the same increases as cases, positive test results and
hospitalizations, in part because the U.S. is now identifying
more mild and moderate cases as testing expands and those cases are
now skewing younger.
Thursday, June 25, 2020
Saw this on an episode of M*A*S*H from 1976 tonight.
“People like Pierce are a menace to the American way of life, as I see it. Unless we each conform, unless we obey orders, unless we follow our leaders blindly, there’s no possible way we can remain free.” —Maj. Frank Burns
Wear your mask. Stay home. etc., etc., etc.
Wednesday, June 24, 2020
week, 15 FBI agents were sent to a stock car track to investigate a
potential noose incident which turned out to be a garage door pull
•Dozens if not hundreds of police forces are burdened with securing monuments and properties from out of control anti-American agitators. •And while we were in quarantine, a 16 year old boy shot nine people, killing four. |
Monday, June 22, 2020
Where to buy masks online and get them delivered within days
mask debate. You’re mad that more people aren’t wearing masks. You
vent your disgust online. Sorry, the rants aren’t going to change
behavior. Take charge and find a real mask that you learn how to use
properly to protect YOU.
READ HERE: https://finance.yahoo.com/news/ |
Sunday, June 21, 2020
How will the coronavirus outbreak end?
How will the coronavirus outbreak end?
Fact: The pandemic will not end. Not until the virus doesn’t have enough susceptible people to infect. There are those who accept this basic scientific fact. “Pandemics end when the virus doesn't have enough susceptible people to infect. “The catastrophic 1918 Spanish flu pandemic is thought to have infected 500 million people worldwide, many of them soldiers living in close quarters fighting in World War I. Once the war ended and people dispersed, the spread slowed ...” “But the flu was ultimately halted in part because those who survived it had immunity and the virus didn't hop as easily as it did at the beginning. “ “What happens typically is that enough people get the bug that there just aren't enough susceptible people to keep the chain going." |
Saturday, June 20, 2020
My high school yearbook had great editors, writers, and photographers. I
recently noticed the opening paragraphs to the section on our Senior
Class. Very wise. Still incredibly pertinent if not doubly so today in
the world.
It began by listing some labels that students tossed around about others at school.
"Labels which reveal our own acceptance of others, behavior, goals or habits. Labels may change from year to year; the act of stereotyping remains neither original, clever nor unique."
And then concluded on a hopeful note:
"We will need to search for the real worth in one another which will finally give us the courage to say, 'I am your friend,' and that will be their label."
Try to increase your acceptance of others. Of their behavior. Their goals. Their habits. Acceptance. Maybe you'll make a friend.
It began by listing some labels that students tossed around about others at school.
"Labels which reveal our own acceptance of others, behavior, goals or habits. Labels may change from year to year; the act of stereotyping remains neither original, clever nor unique."
And then concluded on a hopeful note:
"We will need to search for the real worth in one another which will finally give us the courage to say, 'I am your friend,' and that will be their label."
Try to increase your acceptance of others. Of their behavior. Their goals. Their habits. Acceptance. Maybe you'll make a friend.
Covid-19: important potential side effects of wearing face masks that we should bear in mind
"It is necessary to quantify the complex interactions that may well be operating between positive and negative effects of wearing surgical masks at population level. It is not time to act without evidence."
A poem.
Some like masks. Some don’t. Some like Democrats. Some like Republicans. Some like baseball. Some like football. Some like girls. Some like boys. Some like running. Some like biking. Some like meat. Some like vegetables. Some like cities. Some like suburbs. Some like country. Some like K-pop. Some like beer. Some like tea. Some like home school. Some like public school. It’s okay to let others like different things. https://www.bmj.com/content/369/ Here’s what No One likes: Being lectured to about how you had better like what the lecturer likes. “not a sermon. just a thought.” |
Wednesday, June 17, 2020
Anti-Italian Racism returns

businesses now include the statue removal contractors. Few people
understand that the Columbus Day holiday was begun as a response to
anti-Italian bigotry in America. Surprising, huh? Didn’t teach that in
“These anti-Italian sentiments occasionally led to brutal violence. One of the largest mass lynchings in the United States occurred in New Orleans in 1891, when 11 Sicilian immigrants were lynched after the city's police commissioner was killed and suspicion had been placed on the Italian community. (The 11 men had been found not guilty before the lynching. A New York Times editorial had this reaction: "Yet while every good citizen will readily assent to the proposition that this affair is to be deplored, it would be difficult to find any one individual who would confess that privately he deplores it very much.")
“The first official commemoration of Columbus' journey occurred in 1892, just a year after the New Orleans lynchings. That's when President Benjamin Harrison became the first president to call for a national observance of Columbus Day, in honor of the 400th anniversary of Columbus' arrival. “
https://www.npr.org/sections/codeswitch/ 2013/10/14/232120128/ how-columbus-sailed-into-u-s-history-than ks-to-italians
“These anti-Italian sentiments occasionally led to brutal violence. One of the largest mass lynchings in the United States occurred in New Orleans in 1891, when 11 Sicilian immigrants were lynched after the city's police commissioner was killed and suspicion had been placed on the Italian community. (The 11 men had been found not guilty before the lynching. A New York Times editorial had this reaction: "Yet while every good citizen will readily assent to the proposition that this affair is to be deplored, it would be difficult to find any one individual who would confess that privately he deplores it very much.")
“The first official commemoration of Columbus' journey occurred in 1892, just a year after the New Orleans lynchings. That's when President Benjamin Harrison became the first president to call for a national observance of Columbus Day, in honor of the 400th anniversary of Columbus' arrival. “
Saturday, June 13, 2020
Thursday, June 11, 2020
is disappointing. Starbucks drinks are overpriced and so is their food.
But I tolerate it because they used to provide a nice atmosphere to sit
down, read the paper, and talk with friends.
Then they got embarrassed because their store manager actually enforced rules about having to be a customer to sit at their tables. In response, Starbucks allowed its in-store experience to deteriorate and available tables for its paying customers got harder to find. So, now, none of the customers at these refashioned takeout only stores can use their restrooms or sit at tables. And Starbucks saves money! |
Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Los Angeles won't prosecute curfew violations
Of course not. Every protester/rioter/looter/vandal/arsonist knew that the curfew was an empty threat.
Monday, June 8, 2020
- We really enjoyed the first six months of the school year as our kids attended a public school for the first time for 8th and 4th grade. Great teachers, great kids, great staff.
But I just don’t get the efforts to “distance learn.”
I wrote this to the Superintendent yesterday about 4th grade:
“Let's stop kidding ourselves! The math teacher checks with the kids once a week for 30 minutes. Same with the regular classroom teacher. Yet, if our kids had been permitted to attend the facility after March 13, they would have been at school for 32 plus hours a week. How does that square with the one hour that the teachers spend online with the kids?”
“How is that one hour of teacher interaction online equates with dozens of hours of in person time? It makes no sense.”
Saturday, June 6, 2020

Beautiful California! My home state!
Why is that state not open?
The screaming headline intends to scare: 125,000 cases!!!!
Where’s the perspective? The state’s governor predicted 25,500,000 cases by May 8. One month ago.
The state has 1/2 of one percent of his March 20 expert prediction. (WSJ, 3/20/20)
https://www.mercurynews.com/2020/06/06/ coronavirus-california-passes-125000-case s-over-15000-in-bay-area/
Why is that state not open?
The screaming headline intends to scare: 125,000 cases!!!!
Where’s the perspective? The state’s governor predicted 25,500,000 cases by May 8. One month ago.
The state has 1/2 of one percent of his March 20 expert prediction. (WSJ, 3/20/20)
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