Monday, February 1, 2010

2200 Degrees: Conservative Commentary: Liberals' deadbeat arguments for abortion

I liked the arguments made at the "2200 Degrees" blog:

"It never ceases to amaze me how easily a pro-choice liberal will toss out some deadbeat argument as an excuse for allowing abortion, and will stubbornly cling to their ignorant view of abortion. What are some of the liberal statements that are commonly made to defend abortion?

  • Abortion has been around throughout all of documented history.
  • We can't go back to the clothes hanger days of abortion.
  • It is a woman's body and her right to choose what she does with it.
  • The child may suffer from a birth defect or illness all his or her life.
  • It is okay in the case of rape or incest or if the mother's life is in danger.
Why are these arguments ignorant and irrelevant?"


Anonymous said...

Hi, I am the one who owns this blog you referred to. I very much appreciate your recognition of my article. What a lot of people do not know about me is that I have been confronted by a lot of formerly liberal feminists about abortion. Many of them have had abortions, and they suffer depression, and I sense in them a great sense of need. As one who is infuriated by abortion, I have in the distant past when I was a much younger man, realized that many of these women are the second victims of abortion. They recognize they need to be forgiven and they want to be loved. In confronting these women in my younger days, I realized they are the second victims of abortion. Most of those I have talked to have come to realize the actuality of abortion. I just want people to know what abortion is and what it causes. I seek to eliminate abortion through education, and I realize it is very hard for many of these women to realize they are the product of Democratic Party feminist class social engineering. I hope that it does not require some kind of civil war or revolution to prevent the industrialization of abortion, but that hope may be idealistic. On the other hand, abortion is in decline, and black people are beginning to realize their unborn are aborted more than any others. How this social illness can be contrived as an issue of civil rights is not beyond me. It is the work of the Democratic Party and their desire to get votes. Well, most of us do not live by votes, and we are disturbed by rampant abortions. We bloggers must take this issue head-on, and I thank you for linking my article on your site to help inform people about this atrocity that cannot be tolerated.

JB Ramsey said...

Thanks for the comment, Douglas, I found your blog through a link at, so someone else also likes what you have to say.
I really think your phrase "industrialization of abortion" is very apt. And I completely agree with you on using education to bring down abortion numbers.

Anonymous said...

Yes, abortion is an industry now. And, that is very sad. I have witnessed first hand the devastation it causes. As for the posts on, I put them there. They allow bloggers to post this articles on their site, which is good for me to actually be seen on the Web. I had my blog going for quite a while, but recently started it anew. Many of the articles involved changing information, so I just wiped the slate clean and began posting again. I may code a blogroll. I havee to make some adjustments to the way the blog is published, starting March 22 they will no longer have FTP. But, the change will allow me to customize my blog for the better I realized after reading a bit about it. I am following your blog, and look forward to reading more. Because you used to be a Democrat, you have a unique perspective. I had a few liberal veins in me when I was brought up going to public schools, and I am somewhat critical of the Republican Party, but a conservative nonetheless. Feel free to email me whenever you like, the link to email me is in the footer of my blog along with the copyright notice. Maybe we can share information.