Monday, December 12, 2011

News Quiz Results

A friend on Facebook posted a Pew Research Survey that measured one's "News IQ." It asked 13 questions and both my friend and I were among the 8% who got all the questions correct. Pew conducted this survey from September 30 to October 11 among 1,1168 adults. From the analysis: "Republicans generally outperformed Democrats on the current quiz. On 13 out of the 19 questions, Republicans score significantly higher than Democrats and there are no questions on which Democrats did better than Republicans."

No surprise to me, but it certainly doesn't fit the stereotype of Republicans as know-nothing fundamentalist idiots, does it? One of the most-missed questions, especially among Democrats, was knowing that it was only the House of Representatives that is run by Republicans. President Obama and his allies in the media have done everything they could to pretend that all of Congress -- both houses -- are dominated by Republicans. Liberals like to paint conservatives as Fox News Channel watching, Rush Limbaugh listening mind-numbed robots. Well, if that's true, then at least Fox and Rush are filling our heads with accurate information!

1 comment:

JB Ramsey said...

My "too-liberal to be liberal friend" really got on me about this posting because this quiz was so simple in his eyes. He then challenged me to name every single African country within four minutes on this site called or something like that. I thought he was being arrogant and he then wrote an insulting e-mail to me. Whatever.