Sunday, May 31, 2020

It’s the last day of May. Ready for some personal examination?

After twelve weeks, what has become clearer to you? For example, your church or other religious institution hasn’t been open for services. Have the members been clamoring to get back to see one another? Have you? If not, what does that say about you? Your church?

Or it might be your workplace. You’ve been working from home. Has the office missed your physical presence? Have you missed your compatriots?

Or your school or artistic or athletic activities. Do your teammates or fellow performers or students and teachers and coaches miss you? Do you miss them?

Finally, your extended family and friends — the ones you would have seen in person if not for our 2020 coronavirus problem. Who missed you? Who did you miss?

Think about what’s important in your life. You might be ready for big changes.

Or maybe you just need a manicure or a haircut!

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