Friday, May 15, 2009

More Americans “Pro-Life” Than “Pro-Choice” for First Time

Gallup Poll released today.  Check it out!

The details are a lot more nuanced than the headline, but it is encouraging that most Americans still are troubled by abortion.

I have looked around the internet to see how this poll has been covered.  It's hard to judge by internet reports whether it is getting prominent coverage or not.  One of the great things about newspapers is that you can see how the editors prioritize the importance of the stories they report.  Front page means something.

As usual, Rush Limbaugh had some excellent comments today.  Limbaugh said on his May 15th radio broadcast: "See, I've always known that abortion was a 50-50 issue.  I don't think it was ever an 80-20 pro-choice majority.  It never was."  Here is a link to the transcript. 

1 comment:

JB Ramsey said...

Guess what? No stories in today's paper about this poll. Our news media does not want to highlight the fact that most Americans are Pro-Life. As you look deeper into the poll results, you will find that liberals are the only group that has not budged from their Pro-Choice viewpoint. Both moderates and conservatives shifted to higher percentages identifying as Pro-Life.

Journalists are almost uniformly liberal, despite their protestations to the contrary. Studies of their voting habits always show them voting in massive numbers for Democratic candidates. And the spin that our mainstream media wants to give us is that the Pro-Life position is a loser politically. They like "moderate" Republicans like Colin Powell or Olympia Snowe who are Pro-Choice. They keep telling us that we need to loosen up our opinions on abortion or we will always be out of power. This poll rebuts that assertion so it will be under-reported by the mainstream media.