Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Specter loses seniority

It looks like Senate Democrats have changed their mind about letting Arlen Specter keep his seniority when it comes to committee assignments.  Last week, Specter seemed to be assured that he would still be considered as a 29 year Senate veteran which would place him ahead of any Democrat elected after 1980.  Well, those "junior" Democrats did not like seeing Specter jump over them in committee leadership.  So, Specter will be the LEAST senior Democrat on just about all of his committees.  

Everyone, Democrats and Republicans alike, saw this move for what it was ---  self-serving for Arlen Specter.  Now, if his party switch really mattered, then maybe the Dems would have given him what he wanted.  But the Democratic majority is so great that his one vote won't really matter.  He had already proven to be a Democratic vote anyway.  I think everyone is happy that Specter just got shafted!   No one likes self-serving acts of disloyalty.

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