Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Are students the enemy?

I’ve been thinking about the reopening schools debate from a parent perspective. As I’m reading news stories I’m reminded of the teacher and staff perspective. A staff member or  a teacher dorsn’t look at one year as being especially important. Rather, it is one of perhaps 30 to 40 years that they will be spending at that school or some other school. So, for them taking a year off  is not an especially big deal. Whereas for a student essentially taking fourth grade off or ninth grade off by “learning virtually” in an inferior manner is devastating. As the teachers look at the classroom, do they look at those kids as potential infectors who could kill them if they bring the coronavirus into the classroom, where the teacher may catch the disease and even die? Most people do recover but there is a risk and that is something that is no doubt uppermost in their minds.  But, as a parent, I can’t worry so much about the teachers. Sorry. I need to worry about my kid and I’m sorry if it’s a bit of a risk. Let’s do things to keep the risk down for them.

I came up with an idea: bring in the National Guard to act as emergency teachers in school districts where teachers will not show up for work because of their fears of coronavirus. We have an Army, Navy and Air Force,  Marines and Coast Guard - men and women who risk their lives every day to serve this country.

What better service than to educate our children?

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