Saturday, July 4, 2020


There is a fireworks show tonight in Washington, DC. It's usually a major commitment to attend as it is always hot and getting to DC is difficult.  This year is no different. The mere act of a fireworks display this year is at odds with the conventional wisdom. After a month of protests taken over by rioters and arsonists and vandals, how are we to take any city official's concern seriously when the city stood by and allowed or encouraged mass demonstrations?

This year, is the act of attending an Independence Day celebration more an act of counter-protest than a celebration? Flying a flag in one’s front yard, as well? Perhaps.

But the signers in 1776, risked their very lives. “By signing the document, the 56 men risked high treason against the King of England. In essence, they signed their death warrants because that was the penalty.

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